Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The bell tower

When John and I first moved into this place, we were a bit concerned about the proximity of the bell tower. Yes, it was picturesque, but it rings out the time, loudly, every 15 minutes. How would we sleep? But your brain adjusts, the sound fades, and we figured it was nice to always know the time.

There are deep rings to signify the hour followed by tinnier rings that specify the quarter hour (one deep ring followed by three tinny equals 1:45). Unfortunately your brain adjusts so well to the noise that pretty soon you don't hear the bell at all. Often I'll realize I'm hearing tinny rings, but having missed the deep rings, it doesn't help me at all. So I'll tell myself to pay attention in 15 minutes so I can figure out the time, but of course then I get distracted, and the bells start ringing, and then I realize it, and it's too late.

So I bought a cheap watch, which is really a cool orange bracelet that happens to have a digital face, so that I could keep track of the time. So much for living near a bell tower!

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